While perusing the blog of Chris Sells of Microsoft, I came across the best interview question I’ve ever seen:
I walked into my first technical interview at Microsoft, and before I could say anything, the woman says, You’re in an 8×8 stone corridor. I blink and sit down.
Interviewer: The prince of darkness appears before you.
Me: You mean, like, the devil?
Interviewer: Any prince of darkness will do.
Me: Ok.
Interviewer: What do you do?
Can I run? Interviewer: Do you want to run?
Me: Hmm I guess not Do I have a weapon?
Interviewer: What kind of weapon do you want?
Me: Um something with range?
Interviewer: Like what?
Me: Uh a crossbow?
Interviewer: What kind of ammo do you have?
Ice arrows? Interviewer: Why?
Because the prince of darkness is a creature made of fire??? Interviewer: Fine so what do you do next?
Me: I shoot him?
Interviewer: No what do you do?
Interviewer: You WASTE him! You *WASTE* the prince of darkness!!
Holy crap, what have I gotten myself into?
What’s the funniest interview question you have been asked? Reply in the comments!
Comments 2
I am so confused. What does she mean by waste!?
Posted 22 Dec 2015 at 8:38 PM ¶“WASTE” probably be the case that he is a prince of darkness. Why should he be made of fire and shot by ice arrow. Lightning arrow would be more appropriate.
Posted 20 Jul 2023 at 12:17 AM ¶Post a Comment